Install NGINX

EZ Server Monitor needs a webserver, and the one we’ll be using is NGINX. For more information about installing NGINX, follow my NGINX installation guide for the Raspberry Pi.

Install EZ Server Monitor

Once NGINX is installed, add these lines to our virtual host config file (found here /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default) to protect the ./conf/esm.config.json config file:

location ~ /(conf)/ {
    deny all;

First cd into the root websites folder

cd /var/www/html

then download, unzip the folder, and remove original .zip file

sudo wget --content-disposition
sudo rm

Since we want EZ Server Monitor’s UI to appear under the /monitoring URL of our Pi, rename the folder

mv eZServerMonitor-2.5/ monitoring/

Now, if you go to the hostname of your Pi /monitoring (ex: http://pi1.local/monitoring/) you should now see the EZ Server Monitor dashboard.

Try stress testing your Raspberry Pi and watching the dashboard. When I first installed this dashboard, I saw load averages of 0% across the board which lead me to belive that part of the dashboard was broken. This was not the case as the Raspberry Pi was simply not under load until I ran a stress test.

Customize EZ Server Monitor

You can customize the configuration of the monitoring dashboard by modifying the config file. Since we installed EZ Server Monitor under the /monitoring folder in the Nginx website root, we can find the file here:

nano /var/www/html/monitoring/conf/esm.config.json

For more information about customization see the official documentation