Git is easier when you can visualize what’s happening…

Since uploading my first Git video in 2018, over 1MM people have viewed my explainers, with thousands more leaving comments:

Youtube comment: Git must be explained with real examples and animations. This was the best tutorial I have seen on internet so far. Top quality content. Subscribed.

If you’re new to Git and looking for an indepth explanation, or just need a quick reference, these videos and articles are what you need. With Git commands explained alongside motion graphics of what’s happening under the hood, you’ll come away with a better understanding of what Git has to offer.


Git Branching

Combine branches
Move a sequence of commits
Take only the commits you want

Manipulating Git Commits

Combine a sequence of commits
Amend commits with additional files
Reword commit messages
Delete commits
Reorder commits
Split commits

Resolving Git Conflicts

Fix conflicts that arise when merging branches
Fix conflicts that arise during cherry-pick
Fix conflicts that arise during stash

More Git Techniques

Set files aside for later

Pull Requests

How to create pull requests